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Our Top 5 Study Tips

Writer: SUCEEED English EducationSUCEEED English Education

Are you having trouble concentrating on your study? Keep reading to discover our top tips for effective studying. Everyone finds some things better than others, so don't be afraid to pick and choose the ones that work best for you.

  1. Just like the saying, "your tribe decides your vibe", we also find this true about your environment. If you're studying in a place where you don't feel comfortable or inspired, this is going to have a negative impact on your study and mood. On the other hand, if you're in a place which uplifts you, you're going to be feeling more positive about studying. Some people study best in a quiet place, others prefer listening to music. The choice is yours. Distractions are a no-no, so make sure whatever you decide, that it is benefitting you.

  2. Have a plan. Sometimes study can seem overwhelming. There's so much to do and you don't know where to start. To help with this, break tasks down into smaller steps that are much more achievable. Focus on one thing at a time. Some people find setting a time limit helps, others tend to worry about the time and this distracts them from the task. Find which works for you best.

  3. Everyone learns differently. We all have our various methods which help us to absorb information. Did you know that there are seven main methods of learning? Can you guess what they are? That's right! Visual (spatial), aural (auditory-musical), verbal (linguistic), physical (kinesthetic), logical (mathematical), social (interpersonal) and solitary (intrapersonal). Visual learners learn best through images and pictures. Aural learners prefer using sound and music. If you are one of these, you could use songs to help you remember things, or record your voice saying something you need to remember and then listen to it. Verbal learners like using words more, particularly through speaking and writing. Verbal learners like reading out loud while they are studying, which helps them to remember. Physical learners would rather learn through using their body, hands and sense of touch. One way of utilising this skill, is to make flashcards to help you study. This works because it requires the learner to move their hands as they flick through the cards. Logical learners favour learning using logic, numbers, data, facts, charts and graphs. Social learners work well learning in a group with others. If you are a social learner, you could invite your friends to start up a study group together. The last one is solitary learning. As the name suggests, this is working alone and studying by yourself. Are you interested to know what type of learner you are? Try the test here:

  4. Take regular breaks. Studying can be hard work, especially when you're tired and worn out. That's why it's important to get up every now and then, drink some water, get some fresh air, and maybe even go for a short walk outside. Studies have shown that walking enhances cognitive performance.

  5. Take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. Don't push yourself to exhaustion. Ensure you are getting enough sleep, exercise, healthy food and water. Try mindfulness exercises. In your breaks, find something to do that you enjoy. If you're struggling, talk to someone close to you or a counsellor.

There are many more study tips out there. Share with others what helps you in the comments below. (2020). Overview of learning styles. Retrieved from

Psychology Today. (2020). How Walking Enhances Cognitive Performance. Retrieved from


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